
Beyond Birth Control: Population Control Agenda (Part Two)

Beyond Birth Control:
The Population Control Agenda (Part 2)

Author: Dr. Stan Monteith, M.D
Source: Koinonia House - 1997

The Infamous Tuskegee Study
The influence of population control advocates can be seen in the Tuskegee Study, a scientific research program in which 400 syphilis-infected black men were recruited by the U.S. Public Health Service in 1932. The participants were told that they would be treated for their infections but instead had all effective medicine withheld. The black men were actively prevented from obtaining treatment elsewhere as their bodies, and the bodies of their wives and children, were systematically ravaged by disease.

The men who conceived this Nazi-style study justified their atrocity by saying that scientists needed to learn how untreated syphilis progressed in the human body. For forty years-from 1932 until 1972-the genocidal Tuskegee Study continued. It was not until 1972, after one newspaper finally broke the story, that the study was finally terminated. By that time, only 125 of the original 400 men survived. According to Margaret Sanger's[1] sense of morality, experiments on "human weeds" were fully justified in the name of "science."
To this day, 25 years after the end of that grotesque human experiment, none of the perpetrators of that atrocity has ever been accused or indicted of a crime. Do you honestly believe for one moment that such an experiment would have been tolerated here in America had the participants been white men?[2]

DDT Saved Lives
Another more effective method of reducing world population was devised in the early 1960s by environmentalists and population-control adherents: blocking the use of DDT for mosquito and malaria control, which had been found to be extremely effective in saving human lives.
In 1970 the National Academy of Sciences, in their book Life Sciences, stated that, "In little more than two decades DDT has prevented 500 million deaths due to malaria."
To population control advocates, this preservation of human life was intolerable, so they set out to outlaw further use of the pesticide. Up until 1970 all reliable scientific data had consistently demonstrated that DDT was safe for both humans and animals. Indeed, DDT was the safest pesticide ever known to mankind. Furthermore, it was inexpensive and could be widely used in third-world countries to control the spread of insect-borne diseases.
Accordingly, population control adherents set out to have DDT banned in the name of saving the environment. You probably remember the contrived stories declaring that DDT caused softening of eggshells, interfered with the balance of nature, and endangered humanity by entering the food chain. In truth, all of those stories were fabricated and part of a carefully coordinated program to block further use of the lifesaving pesticide.
William Ruckelshaus was a longtime member of the Environmental Defense Fund and Director of the EPA. He outlawed further use of DDT in 1972 despite the recommendation of the EPA Chairman Investigating Committee, which had heard six months of testimony on use of the pesticide, and had determined that DDT was completely safe. When Ruckelshaus outlawed further use of DDT, he signed the death warrant for hundreds of millions of helpless human beings living in third-world countries.
In Remembering Silent Spring and Its Consequences,[3] Professor J. Gordon Edwards quoted from a speech by Victor Yanconne, founder of the Environmental Defense Fund. In that talk, Mr. Yanconne related a story told to him by a reporter who had asked Dr. Charles Wurster, one of the major opponents of DDT, whether a ban on DDT wouldn't actually result in far greater use of more toxic pesticides. Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied, "So what? People are the cause of all the problems. We have too many of them. We need to get rid of some of them and this is as good a way as any."
When asked by the same reporter, "Doctor, how do you square the killing of people with the mere loss of some birds?" Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied, "It doesn't really make a lot of difference, because organophosphate acts locally and only kills farm workers and most of them are Mexicans and Negroes."[4]
If the National Academy of Sciences was correct in its 1970 assessment, we have probably lost over 600 million human lives during the past twenty-five years since advocates of population control succeeded in outlawing DDT.[5]

Abortion, Breast Cancer and Population Control
Many physicians are concerned about dramatic increases in breast carcinoma in women. Despite the fact that 18 scientific studies in domestic and foreign medical journals have demonstrated the direct relationship between first-trimester abortions and breast cancer, all efforts to disseminate that information here in the United States have been consistently blocked by those favoring abortion and population control.
In the fall of 1996 a new scientific paper consisting of a meta-analysis of 23 scientific studies on the relationship between first trimester abortions and breast cancer was published in a British medical journal. It demonstrated a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who had first-trimester abortions.

In response to that publication, the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and pro-abortion/population control advocates joined together to attack the conclusions of the authors, and to block all efforts to disseminate that information to American physicians. The AMA, the ACS, and the pro-death lobby continue to insist that women must not be advised of the risk they incur when they destroy the life of their unborn child.
Current abortion policies in America are absolutely necessary to reduce our population. That is why a minor child can be taken from school to an abortion clinic without parental notification. Yet that same child cannot be given an aspirin without parental consent. It all has to do with population control.[6]

The Massacres in Africa
What really happened to Christians in Rwanda between April and July of 1994 is a shocking story. After the Christian Tutsis were disarmed by governmental decree in the early 1990s, Hutu-led military forces began to systematically massacre the defenseless Christians beginning in April 1994 and continuing until July 1994. Using machetes rather than bullets, the Hutu forces created a state of terror within the helpless Christian population as they systematically butchered thousands.
The United Nations immediately convened hearings on Rwanda, but Madeline Albright, American Ambassador to the United Nations, argued strenuously that neighboring African nations should not be allowed to intervene until the "civil war had come to an end." In reality, there was no civil war, since those being slaughtered had no weapons with which to defend themselves; it was simply a matter of mass murder.
In addition to blocking intervention by neighboring nations, Madeline Albright also insisted that the word "genocide" not be used, and that United Nations forces stationed in Rwanda were not to be allowed to intervene. In the three months that followed, between one-half and three-quarters of a million Christians were systematically dismembered, hacked to death, and slaughtered in the bloody carnage that ensued. Tens of thousands of Christians were murdered in churches; tens of thousands more were murdered in hospitals and schools. On several occasions, United Nations soldiers stationed in Rwanda actually handed helpless Christians over to members of the Hutu militia. They then stood by as their screaming charges were unceremoniously hacked to pieces.

At the end of the carnage in late July 1994, the American government rewarded the Hutu murderers with millions of dollars in foreign aid. The American press has been silent about the fact that almost all people slaughtered were Christians, and that it was our government's policy that was primarily responsible for blocking efforts by neighboring African countries to intervene.[7]
There are dozens of other examples of population control programs which have been implemented throughout our world by modern-day "Malthusians" in their effort to ensure that the world population is dramatically curtailed. To date it is estimated that far more than one billion human lives have been terminated as a result of the worldwide abortion programs financed by the United States. In addition, we are beginning to see the devastating effects of the AIDS epidemic as this plague begins to depopulate large areas of Asia and Africa. Rational efforts to address the HIV epidemic throughout the world continue to be blocked. Rather than utilizing proven public health methods, advocates of population control continue to promote both hedonistic sex education and condom distribution, which will only assure the disease will continue to spread.

This article was originally published in the October 1997 Personal Update News Journal.

  1. Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, and in The Pivot of Civilization she called for "the elimination of human weeds," and the "cessation of charity" because it prolonged the lives of the unfit. See Personal UPDATE, 9/97 p. 2-5 for more information on her writings.
  2. AIDS and the Doctors of Death, Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles, pp. 168-170.
  3. Remembering Silent Spring and Its Consequences, J. Gordon Edwards, a monograph, p. 7, available from Radio Liberty or from Dr. Edwards at San Jose State University.
  4. Reported by Chairman John Rarick: House Hearings on the Federal Pesticide Control Act of 1971, pp. 266-267, in Serial No 92-A, quoted in a treatise by Dr. J. Gordon Edwards. A taped interview with Dr. Edwards is available from Radio Liberty, as is his treatise: see also Environmental Overkill, Dixy Lee Ray, Regnery, p. 77.
  5. Environmental Overkill, op cited: pp. 76-77 and 192, see also my 2-hour interview with Dr. Dixy Lee Ray: see also Dr. Edwards' treatise on DDT, available from Radio Liberty.
  6. "Strong Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Revealed," Washington Times, October 12, 1996, A1.
  7. An audio-taped interview with Peter Hammond of Front Line Ministries is available from Radio Liberty: also see Holocaust in Rwanda, Peter Hammond, available from In Touch Mission Int'l (ITMI), P.O. Box 28240, Tempe AZ, 85285

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