
Beyond Birth Control: Population Control Agenda (Part Two)

Beyond Birth Control:
The Population Control Agenda (Part 2)

Author: Dr. Stan Monteith, M.D
Source: Koinonia House - 1997

The Infamous Tuskegee Study
The influence of population control advocates can be seen in the Tuskegee Study, a scientific research program in which 400 syphilis-infected black men were recruited by the U.S. Public Health Service in 1932. The participants were told that they would be treated for their infections but instead had all effective medicine withheld. The black men were actively prevented from obtaining treatment elsewhere as their bodies, and the bodies of their wives and children, were systematically ravaged by disease.

The men who conceived this Nazi-style study justified their atrocity by saying that scientists needed to learn how untreated syphilis progressed in the human body. For forty years-from 1932 until 1972-the genocidal Tuskegee Study continued. It was not until 1972, after one newspaper finally broke the story, that the study was finally terminated. By that time, only 125 of the original 400 men survived. According to Margaret Sanger's[1] sense of morality, experiments on "human weeds" were fully justified in the name of "science."
To this day, 25 years after the end of that grotesque human experiment, none of the perpetrators of that atrocity has ever been accused or indicted of a crime. Do you honestly believe for one moment that such an experiment would have been tolerated here in America had the participants been white men?[2]

DDT Saved Lives
Another more effective method of reducing world population was devised in the early 1960s by environmentalists and population-control adherents: blocking the use of DDT for mosquito and malaria control, which had been found to be extremely effective in saving human lives.
In 1970 the National Academy of Sciences, in their book Life Sciences, stated that, "In little more than two decades DDT has prevented 500 million deaths due to malaria."
To population control advocates, this preservation of human life was intolerable, so they set out to outlaw further use of the pesticide. Up until 1970 all reliable scientific data had consistently demonstrated that DDT was safe for both humans and animals. Indeed, DDT was the safest pesticide ever known to mankind. Furthermore, it was inexpensive and could be widely used in third-world countries to control the spread of insect-borne diseases.
Accordingly, population control adherents set out to have DDT banned in the name of saving the environment. You probably remember the contrived stories declaring that DDT caused softening of eggshells, interfered with the balance of nature, and endangered humanity by entering the food chain. In truth, all of those stories were fabricated and part of a carefully coordinated program to block further use of the lifesaving pesticide.
William Ruckelshaus was a longtime member of the Environmental Defense Fund and Director of the EPA. He outlawed further use of DDT in 1972 despite the recommendation of the EPA Chairman Investigating Committee, which had heard six months of testimony on use of the pesticide, and had determined that DDT was completely safe. When Ruckelshaus outlawed further use of DDT, he signed the death warrant for hundreds of millions of helpless human beings living in third-world countries.
In Remembering Silent Spring and Its Consequences,[3] Professor J. Gordon Edwards quoted from a speech by Victor Yanconne, founder of the Environmental Defense Fund. In that talk, Mr. Yanconne related a story told to him by a reporter who had asked Dr. Charles Wurster, one of the major opponents of DDT, whether a ban on DDT wouldn't actually result in far greater use of more toxic pesticides. Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied, "So what? People are the cause of all the problems. We have too many of them. We need to get rid of some of them and this is as good a way as any."
When asked by the same reporter, "Doctor, how do you square the killing of people with the mere loss of some birds?" Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied, "It doesn't really make a lot of difference, because organophosphate acts locally and only kills farm workers and most of them are Mexicans and Negroes."[4]
If the National Academy of Sciences was correct in its 1970 assessment, we have probably lost over 600 million human lives during the past twenty-five years since advocates of population control succeeded in outlawing DDT.[5]

Abortion, Breast Cancer and Population Control
Many physicians are concerned about dramatic increases in breast carcinoma in women. Despite the fact that 18 scientific studies in domestic and foreign medical journals have demonstrated the direct relationship between first-trimester abortions and breast cancer, all efforts to disseminate that information here in the United States have been consistently blocked by those favoring abortion and population control.
In the fall of 1996 a new scientific paper consisting of a meta-analysis of 23 scientific studies on the relationship between first trimester abortions and breast cancer was published in a British medical journal. It demonstrated a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who had first-trimester abortions.

In response to that publication, the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and pro-abortion/population control advocates joined together to attack the conclusions of the authors, and to block all efforts to disseminate that information to American physicians. The AMA, the ACS, and the pro-death lobby continue to insist that women must not be advised of the risk they incur when they destroy the life of their unborn child.
Current abortion policies in America are absolutely necessary to reduce our population. That is why a minor child can be taken from school to an abortion clinic without parental notification. Yet that same child cannot be given an aspirin without parental consent. It all has to do with population control.[6]

The Massacres in Africa
What really happened to Christians in Rwanda between April and July of 1994 is a shocking story. After the Christian Tutsis were disarmed by governmental decree in the early 1990s, Hutu-led military forces began to systematically massacre the defenseless Christians beginning in April 1994 and continuing until July 1994. Using machetes rather than bullets, the Hutu forces created a state of terror within the helpless Christian population as they systematically butchered thousands.
The United Nations immediately convened hearings on Rwanda, but Madeline Albright, American Ambassador to the United Nations, argued strenuously that neighboring African nations should not be allowed to intervene until the "civil war had come to an end." In reality, there was no civil war, since those being slaughtered had no weapons with which to defend themselves; it was simply a matter of mass murder.
In addition to blocking intervention by neighboring nations, Madeline Albright also insisted that the word "genocide" not be used, and that United Nations forces stationed in Rwanda were not to be allowed to intervene. In the three months that followed, between one-half and three-quarters of a million Christians were systematically dismembered, hacked to death, and slaughtered in the bloody carnage that ensued. Tens of thousands of Christians were murdered in churches; tens of thousands more were murdered in hospitals and schools. On several occasions, United Nations soldiers stationed in Rwanda actually handed helpless Christians over to members of the Hutu militia. They then stood by as their screaming charges were unceremoniously hacked to pieces.

At the end of the carnage in late July 1994, the American government rewarded the Hutu murderers with millions of dollars in foreign aid. The American press has been silent about the fact that almost all people slaughtered were Christians, and that it was our government's policy that was primarily responsible for blocking efforts by neighboring African countries to intervene.[7]
There are dozens of other examples of population control programs which have been implemented throughout our world by modern-day "Malthusians" in their effort to ensure that the world population is dramatically curtailed. To date it is estimated that far more than one billion human lives have been terminated as a result of the worldwide abortion programs financed by the United States. In addition, we are beginning to see the devastating effects of the AIDS epidemic as this plague begins to depopulate large areas of Asia and Africa. Rational efforts to address the HIV epidemic throughout the world continue to be blocked. Rather than utilizing proven public health methods, advocates of population control continue to promote both hedonistic sex education and condom distribution, which will only assure the disease will continue to spread.

This article was originally published in the October 1997 Personal Update News Journal.

  1. Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, and in The Pivot of Civilization she called for "the elimination of human weeds," and the "cessation of charity" because it prolonged the lives of the unfit. See Personal UPDATE, 9/97 p. 2-5 for more information on her writings.
  2. AIDS and the Doctors of Death, Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles, pp. 168-170.
  3. Remembering Silent Spring and Its Consequences, J. Gordon Edwards, a monograph, p. 7, available from Radio Liberty or from Dr. Edwards at San Jose State University.
  4. Reported by Chairman John Rarick: House Hearings on the Federal Pesticide Control Act of 1971, pp. 266-267, in Serial No 92-A, quoted in a treatise by Dr. J. Gordon Edwards. A taped interview with Dr. Edwards is available from Radio Liberty, as is his treatise: see also Environmental Overkill, Dixy Lee Ray, Regnery, p. 77.
  5. Environmental Overkill, op cited: pp. 76-77 and 192, see also my 2-hour interview with Dr. Dixy Lee Ray: see also Dr. Edwards' treatise on DDT, available from Radio Liberty.
  6. "Strong Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Revealed," Washington Times, October 12, 1996, A1.
  7. An audio-taped interview with Peter Hammond of Front Line Ministries is available from Radio Liberty: also see Holocaust in Rwanda, Peter Hammond, available from In Touch Mission Int'l (ITMI), P.O. Box 28240, Tempe AZ, 85285

Bill Gates Exposed as Illuminati Globalist Puppet


Bill Gates Calls for ‘Global Government’

Billionaire claims world government "badly needed" to save the earth

Mikael Thalen | Infowars.com - January 28, 2015

Billionaire Bill Gates called for “a kind of global government” this week, arguing that the creation of such a system would be needed to combat major issues such as “climate change.”
Speaking with Germany’s “Süddeutsche Zeitung” newspaper Tuesday, Gates decried the fact that a proper United Nations system has failed to materialize as planned.
“You can make fun of it, but in truth it was sad how the conference in Copenhagen is run, how individual who behave like the UN system failed,” Gates said according to an English translation in the Huffington Post.

Gates went on to stress his position further, stating that a global government was “badly needed” in order to combat an array of issues ailing the planet.

 “Take the UN, it has been created especially for the security in the world. We are ready for war, because we have taken every precaution. We have NATO, we have divisions, jeeps, trained people,” Gates said. “But what is with epidemics? How many doctors do we have as much planes, tents, what scientists? If there were such a thing as a world government, we would be better prepared.”

The billionaire made headlines last week after introducing a plan to implement a cashless system in multiple third-world countries, a program that would undoubtedly give financial elites total control over monetary systems.

Despite the media’s constant glowing portrayal of Gates, which is rooted in his funding of major news outlets, a look at many of the so-called philanthropist’s pet projects reveals his true nature.
Aside from his founding of computing giant Microsoft, a corporation which has worked hand in hand with the NSA to eviscerate privacy, Gates’ role in the destruction of health worldwide is made obvious by the companies he invests in.
A breakdown of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2012 tax return by Mother Jones reveals billions in funding to corporations such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Other groups receiving major cash include private prison company the GEO Group Inc., military contractor Dyncorp, a major player in human trafficking, and nearly every top oil company.
A major focus of the Gates Foundation has also been invested in vaccination campaigns, although Western media has completely ignored major ethical issues brought up by medical experts in countries such as India, where more than 47,500 children were paralyzed shortly after one of Gates’ campaigns.

Just last year, India’s Supreme Court began investigating Gates involvement in a vaccine trial that resulted in the deaths of several young girls.

Everything from gun control, Common Core and geoengineering, the practice of spraying toxic particles into the stratosphere to block the sun’s rays, has received millions in funding from Gates.
Gates has also taken heat for investing millions into biotech giant Monsanto, a corporation currently flooding foreign countries with genetically engineered crops.

In reality, the call for global government by Gates and other wealthy elitists has nothing to do with lifting up impoverished nations. Such a government would instead guarantee global surveillance, global wealth inequality and a world run by the exact corrupt interests currently consolidating wealth and power worldwide.

Illuminati/Freemasonry puppets and puppet masters describe the Luciferian agenda of the Global Elite:


The Singularity and the Neural Code

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.



ACA Logging, LLC (Keysville, VA): black driver

Napoplean Taxi (Richmond, VA): black drivers

AmerisourceBergen (Glen Allen, VA): management

    - Charles: homosexuality (Romans 1:26-28), black community. 

    - Leon: lying/deceiving spirit, pride/ignorance, black community

    - Bernard: pride/ignorance, black community, work habits

    - Jamie:

    - Keith Musik:

    - Sort/Segregate Department (Receiving Dock): black community

    - Jeff: ignorance, work habits,

    - John (Receiving Dock):

Airport Taxi (Richmond, VA): black drivers

L.B. Foster (Ashland, VA):

Beavex (Durham, NC): Anthony, Craig, courier drivers (many are now at Innovative Courier in Durham), black community

City of Richmond (VA): black employees

Consolidated Delivery Company (Richmond, VA): Vanessa, black community

T&D Services East (Richmond, VA):

Innovative Courier (Morrisville, NC):

Truck One: black driver

Lucky Dog Transport (Chesterfield, VA): black drivers

Beavex (Richmond, VA): black community, management, courier drivers,

GlaxxoSmithKline (Durham, NC): employees / ignorance, arrogance, lawlessness


American Government and Soviet Education

Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz & Soviet Education

Crossroad.to -- by Berit Kjos - 1999

George W. Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, George Shultz and your children -- how are they linked? Why does it matter? 
And who is George Shultz? How did he help rewrite history, redefine morality, and prepare America to accept the new socialist values that are paving the way to the new world order?
If you are as concerned as I am about America's shift from traditional values and factual education to global values and psycho-social strategies for "lifelong learning," you would want to know the answers. You might also wonder why Texas Governor George W. Bush would choose George Shultz, who negotiated the 1985 U.S.-USSR Education Exchange Agreement, as advisor on his presidential exploratory committee. Or why Robert Dole chose Shultz as an advisor during his quest for the presidency in 1996.

These alliances reflect the new perspective that motivates our globalist leaders to set aside the old rules of involvement and chart a new course for the world. From their point of view, the old-fashioned national sovereignty (or independence) is out, and global solidarity (or interdependence) is in. Now it's up to the media and our educational "change agents" to persuade the masses to accept their view of the earth as a global village. 
The old rules don't fit in the new world order. "Nations that stick to stale old notions and ideologies will falter and fail," said former President Bush in 1991, when introducing the Republican version of our international education system.[2] Al Gore would surely agree. At a 1991Communitarian conference in Washington, he said, "Seeing ourselves as separate is the central problem in our political thinking." [3]
Gore's conclusion was quoted in the book, Spiritual Politics, co-authored by Corinne McLaughlin, the first task force coordinator for the President's Council on Sustainable Development. McLaughlin, who likes to quote Djwhal Khul, spirit guide to theosophist Alice Bailey, also taught her mediation strategies at the Department of Education, Pentagon, and the EPA. [4]
"There really is only one sin--separateness," she states in her book. "...war is more likely to spring from rampant nationalism, ethnocentrism, and intolerant religious fundamentalism -- all extreme and separative attitudes.... [A} primary cause of the earth's suffering is that humanity is caught in the illusion of separation.... What is needed as a cure for separateness is a deep sense of community -- that we're all in this together."[5]

Mikhail Gorbachev shares his contempt for nationalism and religious fundamentalism, i.e. biblical Christianity. The goal of this unrepentant Communist continues to be a socialist world government with power to manage and monitor every human resource according to the will of an elite "Council of the Wise."
Back in 1995, George Shultz served as Chairman of the Board of Advisors of the Gorbachev Foundation, which had been "created to assist in the process of building global consensus for our common future." The same year, he co-chaired Gorbachev's first annual State of the World Forum in San Francisco together with Ted Turner, Maurice Strong,[6] and other international leaders "chosen for their internationally recognized contributions to designing our emerging global civilization." Among the speakers was author Sam Keen, who announced that --
"The ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."[7]
Attending the Forum as a member of the press, I heard the thundering applause that followed Keen's statement. Whether Shultz agreed with audience or not, this popular suggestion shows the Forum's general attitude toward human lives. Despite the noble rhetoric about saving the oppressed, the overriding sentiment indicated that people count only if they conform to the new ideology and serve the world community. Therefore the masses must be trained, managed, and monitored -- and the loss of lives due to politically expedient conflicts matters little. The major players in this transforming process are the media, the international education system, and a global surveillance system. All are nearly in place [8]-- thanks to Shultz, Clinton and others who share their vision for managed conformity and strive to fulfill it.

Shultz's friendship with Gorbachev dates back to his years as Secretary of State in the Reagan administration [9] -- a time when many of us simply trusted the Republican cabinet to represent American families. In the early eighties, few of us realized that Shultz and David Hamburg, President of the globalist Carnegie Corporation, were using their authority to negotiate a binding international agreement with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze.[10] Its terms required that we trade our sophisticated education and data tracking technology for the brainwashing strategies used to indoctrinate Soviet children, modify behavior, and monitor the masses to ensure compliance with Soviet ideology. [11]
To see what George Shultz did to undermine our American education system, rewrite history, change values, and prepare America to accept a new role in the "international community," ponder the following quotes from The Keys of This Blood by Malachi Martin:
"Within scant months of Gorbachev's election in March of 1985 to the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, he and President Reagan met at their first summit in Geneva. . . November 19-20,1985.... [They signed] the General Agreement on Contacts, Exchanges and Scientific Technical Education and Other Fields... It authorized mutual exchange programs, the homogenization of curricula, the sharing of facilities and the mutual indoctrination of the two peoples involved. . . .
"Cooperation would cover all computer-based instruction, instructional hardware and curriculum design for all grades of primary and secondary education, as well as college and university studies. The obvious goal was a total homogenization not only of the methods of teaching and learning, but what was to be taught. . . .
"Cooperation, for instance, in the 'social sciences' turned a blind eye to the official prostitution of psychiatry and psychology by the Soviet Union as clinical tools for inflicting mental and physical torture as political punishment and for disposing of dissidents. The USSR had been banned from the World Psychiatric Association in 1983 for such practices. ...
"Or take cooperation in the humanities. As taught in the Soviet Union, all humanities are marinated in Leninist Marxism as a matter of course. And history is distorted by a thoroughgoing Marxisation of ideas, by the systematic suppression of facts, and by downright lies. One might wonder what common curricula might be drawn up between the USSR and the US. . . . "
". . .the aim of the General Agreement -- at least from the point of view of the Wise Men of the West -- was 'to transform the shape of the world'. . . because 'sooner or later we are going to have to face restructuring our institutions so that they are not confined merely to the nation-states. . . . '"
"That agreement came from already established drawing boards. . . . For both parties intend to create nothing less than a new arrangement in all human affairs -- 'a new world order,' to use a consecrated phrase both Gorbachev and the Wise Men employ. . . .
"Those early policies also reflected that blithe and trusting acceptance by the Wise Men of basic Leninist thinking. . . as they took the field with the leader who had been judged. . . most likely to succeed in fulfilling Lenin's ultimate dream of Soviet messianism. . . ."[12]
That messianic leader was Gorbachev. His blueprint for revolution came, not from Lenin, but from Antonio Gramsci. This Italian Communist had aroused Stalins's wrath by suggesting that Lenin's revolutionary plan wouldn't work: the "oppressed" proletariat in Christian nations could not be incited to violence against the bourgoise. After all, in America the two groups prayed together. So Gramsci wrote a new blueprint for world revolution. Before long, his plan for Communist infiltration of the media, university, church, and government was changing the leadership, beliefs, values, and attitudes of our nation. The primary assault was on biblical absolutes and Christianity, which must be crushed as a social force before the new face of Communism could rise and flourish. Malachi Martin gave us a progress report:
"By 1985, the influence of traditional Christian philosophy in the West was weak and negligible. . . . Gramsci's master strategy was now feasible. Humanly speaking, it was no longer too tall an order to strip large majorities of men and women in the West of those last vestiges that remained to them of Christianity's transcendent God." [13]
Whether we agree with Martin's conclusion or not, the process he describes matches history. George Shultz had helped pave the way. The merger of US and USSR education strategies laid the foundations for the new program for training human resources and monitoring compliance. To bring everyone into the web, they linked political correctness to success through the national-international workforce development program signed into law by Clinton in 1998. When fully implemented, only those who demonstrate conformity to the new standards for attitudes, values and group thinking would be rewarded with work and college.[14]

Apparently, Governor George W. Bush, the frontrunner among Republican presidential candidates, approves of this system. His education record in Texas shows his support. [15] No wonder, since his father adopted the six goals of UNESCO's world education system and made them the center piece of America 2000, the Republican version of Clinton's Goals 2000. You read part of this 1991 announcement earlier, but it's worth repeating. If the media had warned us, we might have awakened to the current revolution:
"Nations that stick to stale old notions and ideologies will falter and fail. So I'm here today to say, America will move forward.... New schools for a new world.... Re-invent--literally start from scratch and reinvent the America school.... Our challenge amounts to nothing less than a revolution in American education." [16]
President Bush was referring to a paradigm shift in education that would produce a corresponding shift in our culture. In this context, a paradigm is a cultural model or mental framework that determines how people understand and perceive reality. A paradigm shift means cultural transformation: a totally new way of thinking and seeing. In the new paradigm, the old absolutes based on the Bible and the Constitution must be reinterpreted or discarded. So when Bush spoke of "old notions and ideologies" and a "revolution in American education", he had already prepared his plan for changing the minds of America. The management system had been designed by UNESCO, and the psycho-social strategies for altering our children's beliefs and values had been promoted by UNESCO but imported from the Soviet Union.
In other words, everything that had made American education the envy of the world was now obsolete. In the ashes of the old ways would arise the UN plan for global education, tested in the Soviet Union, and designed to mold compliant servers for the 21st Century "sustainable communities." [17]

THE PARADIGM SHIFT: Total Transformation
Beliefs  Based on Bible  Blend of earth-centered religions
Culture  Western individualism  Global solidarity
Values  Based on Bible  Based on human idealism
Morals  Moral boundaries   Sensual freedom
Rights   Personal freedom   Social controls
Economy   Free enterprise  Socialist collective
Government  By the people  By those who control the masses

The masses would be controlled through the Hegelian dialectic (consensus) process [18] by globalist leaders who would view the world through the new filter of globalism. Polls, propaganda, simple slogans, and continual conflicts would be essential to its success. In fact, the greater the perceived crisis, the faster the leader can assume the coveted political powers that true freedom forbids. President Clinton has already mastered these totalitarian strategies, as Gorbachev suggested in a 1993 editorial:
"Bill Clinton will be a great president if he can make America the creator of a new world order based on consensus."[19]
Shultz's ties to Gorbachev link him to a network of leaders determined to unite the world under a socialist banner.[20] To them, national sovereignty, the U.S. Constitution, Biblical absolutes, and parental rights are offensive obstacles [21] that hinder progress. They use the word "democracy" as if it means freedom, but their policies point to a world where, as in Communist countries, only the compliant are free to express their opinions.[22] In this context, expedient lies are more valid than truth, and a human life has no value apart from its place in a political agenda. [See Molding Human Resources for the Global Workforce]
Long ago, the people who followed Jesus misunderstood His message and sought to crown Him king. But Jesus didn't come to free His people from their Roman rulers. He came to save us from bondage to sin, fill us with His life, and enable us to see reality from His perspective.
From His high vantage point, the world's threats and conflicts look far less formidable. Yes, we are moving toward world governance. Yes, hostility toward God, His Word and His uncompromising people is rising fast. But when we trust and seek His guidance, He will surely guide each one of us through the battles ahead. When we follow Him, He will enable us to walk in His triumph. (2 Cor. 2:14)
The author of Psalm 2 saw the earthly conflict from God's perspective. His words are as relevant now as ever:
"Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the LORD and against His Anointed,
saying, 'Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.'
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The LORD shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
'Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.' . . .
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him."

2. See Zero Tolerance for Non-Compliance at http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/zerotol.html

3. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994),147.

4. Stated during a talk at a 1995 mini-UN Conference in San Francisco titled Celebrating the Spirit, which I attended as a reporter.

5. McLaughlin, 147-148.

6. Maurice Strong was the executive director of the UN Environmental Programme, founder of Planetary Citizens, director of the World Future Society, founder and co-chair of the World Economic Forum, member of the Club of Rome, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Aspen Institute, and member of the UN Commission on Global Governance. He currently heads the Earth Council, which works with the UN to implement an Earth Charter -- a global code of conduct based on earth-centered spirituality and globalist values.

7. From Sam Keen's summary of the Roundtable discussions on "The Global Crisis of Spirit and the Search for Meaning" at the State of the World Forum, San Francisco, September 27 to October 1, 1995.

8. See "Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules: a report on Executive Order 13107" at http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/turfur12-98.html

9. Shultz replaced Alexander Haig as secretary of state in July 1982, after Haig's forced resignation during Reagan's first term. He had served as secretary of labor and secretary of the treasury in Nixon's administration.

10. David Hamburg later became a participant in Gorbachev's State of the World Forum.

12. Malachi Martin, The Keys of This Blood (New York, Touchstone, 1990), 390-393.

13. Ibid., 398-399.

16. Former President George Bush announcing America 2000, White House, April 18, 1991. America 2000: An Education Strategy (Washington: The

17. U.S. Department of Education, 1991), 50, 51, 55.

20. Mikhail Gorbachev, "New World Order: Consensus," The Cape Cod Times, January 28, 1993.

21. See http://www.crossroad.to/text/links.html and scroll to the last part.

See "Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules: a report on Executive Order 13107" at http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/turfur12-98.html

"Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"

From JFK to 9/11:

'Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick'

Video first published on Nov 19, 2014, at Youtube.com
The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.

Common Core for a Global Community

Source: Crossroad.to

From Factual Education to Global Mind Control
A "Common Core" for a Global Community
"The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose." [1]  Julian Huxley, the first head of UNESCO, 1947.

The goal of education has changed! Our schools no longer teach the kind of literacy, history, math, and morality that we once considered essential to responsible citizenship. The new generation of post-modern students are being trained to believe whatever might serve a pre-determined 'common good.' 

If their educators succeed, tomorrow's students will have neither the facts nor the freedom needed for independent thinking. Their "common core" will be based on a global collective agenda, not on American freedom or Christian values. Like Nazi youth, they will be taught to react, not think, when nudged to do the unthinkable.

Dr. Thomas Sowell summarized this mind-changing process in a 1993 article titled "Indoctrinating the Children": 

"The techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children. These include emotional shock and desensitization, psychological isolation from sources of support, stripping away defenses, manipulative cross-examination of the individual's underlying moral values, and inducing acceptance of alternative values by psychological rather than rational means."[2]
"O our God . . . we have no might against this great company that cometh against us;
neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon Thee.  (2 Chronicles 20:12)

The Global Roots of "Common Core" Education

Parents beware! A New World Order is rising. It has no tolerance for Christianity, traditional values, or historical facts that expose its lies. The seeds for this transformation were planted long ago, but few saw the warning signs. Now that the evidence is too vast to deny, we need to prepare our children for a different kind of world: a world where an educated and responsible citizenry no longer exists in sufficient numbers to maintain the rule of law and individual freedom.
Today's education goals were envisioned more than a century ago by socialist American and British elites who steered the process from behind the scenes. Though the labels changed through the years, they all served a globalist vision of a totalitarian world equipped to conform young minds to a socialist/Communist system. 
Each decade brought us closer to the fulfillment of that anti-Christian agenda. The latest version of the international education plan is called "Common Core" (CC) or "Common Core Standards" (CCS) or "Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in America. These deceptive labels hide the global agendaat least for the moment.
"Common Core" is the latest extension of previous programs aimed at mind-changing compliance with UNESCO's evolving guidelines. You may remember some of the past titles: Education for All, Outcome Based Education, Quality Learning, No Child Left Behind, etc. In the years ahead, new labels and propaganda will surely continue to push this global agenda forward until the world's elite masters decide that they have reached their goal: total control of the serfs that serve them.
In a 2009 article titled "The Spiritualization of Science, Technology and Education in a One-World Society," Dr. Martin Erdmann writes,
"Aldous Huxley envisioned a future world society totally controlled by an elite group of scientists. His best-known fictional work explicating this dire prospect bore the title Brave New World. Years later he would “revisit” his prognostications only to conclude that he had underestimated the rate of change realizing his darkest fears."[3]

Aldous, brother of the prominent Julian Huxley who served as the first Director-General of UNESCO, had reason to be concerned. Raised among British socialist/globalist elites (some of whom funded Communism in Russia), he shared their vision and glimpsed their totalitarian goals. Of course, he didn't know that more than half a century later, the global-minded Bill Gates would use his wealth to help establish that long-term vision: 

"Gates’ astronomical wealth has persuaded millions that Common Core is the solution to education problems...But... the truth remains that whenever unelected philanthropists are permitted to direct public policy, the voting public gets cut out of the process."[4]

As you scroll down the century-long chronology, notice the powerful people, the elitist organizations, and the wealthy foundations that have planned, steered and funded the amoral transformation of our schools, churches and communities. Their common goal is global socialism: a totalitarian new world order!

1905. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT) was founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1905 and chartered in 1906 by an act of the United States Congress. Together with other Carnegie Foundations, it has been a major promoter and funder of socialistic, global education projects.[5]
1908. John Dewey, the socialist "father of modern [progressive] education", laid the foundations for a revolutionary transformation of American schools. In Religion and our Schools, he wrote, "Our schools ... are performing an infinitely significant religious work. They are promoting the social unity out of which in the end genuine religious unity must grow. ...dogmatic [Christian] beliefs... we see...disappearing."[6]
1919.  The Institute of International Education (IIIE) was established with a grant from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.... John Dewey (socialist) served on its National Advisory Council."[7]

1933. John Dewey, "father of progressive education" and honorary president of the National Education Association (NEA), co-authored the first Humanist Manifesto which called for a "synthesizing of all religions." ..."Any religion that can hope to be a synthesizing and dynamic force for today, must be shaped for the needs of this age."[8]

1934. In a report presented at the annual NEA meeting, Willard Givens (later NEA executive secretary) wrote: "...all of us, including the 'owners' [who might they be?] must be subjected to a large degree of social control.... [T]he major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual. It must seek to give him understanding of the transition to a new social order."[9]
1942. The editor of the NEA Journal, J. Elmer Morgan, wrote an editorial titled "The United Peoples of the World." In it, he explained that a world government would need an educational branch, a world system of money and credit, a world police force, "a world bill of rights and duties."[10]
1946. "The establishment [UNESCO] marks the culmination of a movement for the creation of an international agency of education.... Nations that become members of UNESCO accordingly assume an obligation to revise the textbooks used in their schools.... Each member nation... has a duty to see to it that nothing in its curriculum... is contrary to UNESCO's aims." This NEA article was printed in "National Education in an International World" apparently by the far left Teacher's College in New York.[11]

1946.  In his NEA editorial, "The Teacher and World Government," J. Elmer Morgan, wrote, "In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher... can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children.... At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession."[12]
1947. Julian Huxley, first Director-General of UNESCO, wrote in UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy: "The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background... In its education program it can... familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization.... Tasks for the media division of UNESCO [will be] to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and cultures... to help the emergence of a single world culture."[13]
1948. The NEA produced a set of international guidelines called Education for International Understanding in American Schools. It included this statement: "The idea has become established that the preservation of international peace and order may require that force be used to compel a nation to conduct its affairs within the framework of an established world system.... Many persons believe that enduring peace cannot be achieved so long as the nation-state system continues as at present constituted. It is a system of international anarchy."[14] 

1968. Professor John Goodlad reported that Professor Benjamin Bloom [called Father of OBE] "was invited by UNESCO in 1968 to submit a proposal for a six to nine week training program which would partially fulfill recommendations made at UNESCO's Moscow meeting dealing with the formation of national centers for curriculum development and research..." [15]

1973. The socialist authors of the Humanist Manifesto II wrote: "We deplore the division of human-kind on nationalistic grounds. We have reached a turning point in human history where the best option is to transcend the limits of national sovereignty and to move toward the building of a world community..."[16] 
1976. An NEA program titled A Declaration of Interdependence: Education for a Global Community, was made available to schools across the country.... The report said, "Educators around the world are in a unique position to help bring about a harmoniously interdependent global community."[17]  Note: That "world community" was officially born in 1945, when Alger Hiss served as Secretary General at the founding of the United Nations.

1985. "The curriculum arm of the NEA, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), co-sponsored an international curriculum symposium in the Netherlands. According to Education Week, the ASCD executive director, Dr. Gordon Cawelti, urged representatives of other Western nations and Japan to press for the development of a 'world-core curriculum' based on knowledge that will ensure 'peaceful and cooperative existence among the human species on this planet.'"
     "This World Core Curriculum would be based on the teachings of theosophist Alice Bailey who received her channeled instructions from her spirit guide, Djhwal Khul. The framework would be written by theosophical (occult) UN leader Robert Muller -- the Under-Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Council."

1991. "On October 30, the U.S. Coalition for Education for All (USCEFA) convened a conference titled Learning for All: Bridging Domestic and International Education  with First Lady Barbara Bush as the 'honorary chair.' It would provide a vital link between the UNESCO plan and U.S. implementation.  Partners in this venture included UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank, the NEA, and a long string of organizations involved in education at every level...

     The coalition was part of a 156-nation network working to reform education worldwide by bridging the gap between individual nations and UNESCO’s Education for All. Keynote speaker Elena Lenskaya, deputy to the Minister of Education of Russia, spoke on the topic, "Education for a New World Order."[19]
1992. The text of "The United Nations World Pledge" was recited by students at a Brownsville (Texas ) school: "I pledge allegiance to the world, to cherish every living thing, to care for the earth and sea and air, with peace and freedom everywhere."[20]

1993. "The 240 international affiliates of the NEA and the American Federation of Teachers joined to form Education International (EI)."[21]
Behind that long historical chronology stood influential elites who supported the global vision. They include bankers, presidents, politicians as well as members of secret societies such as The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), Skull and Bones, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. They didn't leave Obama to rule by himself. Just as President Woodrow Wilson had Colonel Mandel House as his secretive mentor, so President Obama is surrounded by global-minded counselors such as Joe Biden, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others. 

So Who Will Rule the Global School?
Seven years ago a world-changing event took place. It would revolutionize education, families, faith and basic values in our fading "land of the free." I'm referring to the Moscow Declaration that was officially adopted on June 2, 2006, by the Education Ministers of the United States, the Russian Federation, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom. The members of this international "Group of Eight" (G-8) have committed their nations to "cooperation in education at all levels in the 21st century."[22]
What about America's "Common Core" standards? How do they fit into the Moscow Declaration? 
Marketed to American families as an improved education program, the actual truth about "Common Core" has been hidden from us. Our government leaders didn't tell us that we were already committed to a multinational education agenda! But it all makes sense when we consider the century-old movement toward global education and a new world order!!
Back in 2006, Eagle Forum's Education Reporter explained the  implication of  the "Moscow Declaration':

"Russia's Science and Education Minister Andrei Fursenko described the declaration as 'both a final document of the conference and the document that will be implemented by education ministers of all the world countries and international organizations, including the World Bank, UNESCO, and UN.'"[23]
That certainly sounds like a global education system, doesn't it? But the American people were kept in the dark!  The Education Reporter continues,

"The U.S. Department of Education said the member delegates 'pledged to share best practices across borders' to build 'education systems that can allow people... to live and contribute to a global society...'
"Included in previously adopted initiatives... are those from UNESCO as well as the 1985 agreement with the USSR [before the end of "the cold war"] called 'The General Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [USSR] on contacts, exchanges and cooperation in scientific, technical, educational, cultural and other fields.'...
"What can be expected from the Moscow Declaration? If the historical results of U.S. participation with international reforms continue in the same vein, it is not unreasonable to expect the whole of U.S. education — from preschool, elementary, secondary, and higher education — will encounter further upheaval and decline."[24]
Today's sobering realities remind me of the boastful statement made by Nikita Khrushchev back in 1959. Perhaps he was right:
"You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands."[25]
But God said: "My grace is sufficient for thee:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.'" (2 Corinthians 12:9)

The Common Core Standards Guides the Global Agenda

It's hard to define the actual Common Core standards. Shrouded in positive promises and perplexing assertions, many ordinary readers are left wondering what's true or false. Faced with open-ended and unfamiliar terminology, concerned parents are confused and discouraged. They may recognize the false marketing and deceptive propaganda, but they don't know where to find honest answers. For example, the mission statement posted at "Common Core State Standards Initiative" is anything but clear:

"The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy."[26]
What does it mean by "robust"?  Is it "relevant" to the success of all students or just to those who will embrace the spreading immorality and group thinking?
Last year, those confusing but nice-sounding promises brought rapid enthusiasm among some parents, but skepticism is now growing fast. Just ponder the statements below. How do we interpret words such as "clearer and higher" or "rigorous contents"? What does "rigorous" mean in a classroom where facts are replaced by group speculations and dialectical thinking? How can concerned parents find answers to bewildering slogans such as these:
  1. Fewer, clearer, and higher, to best drive effective policy and practice;
  2. Aligned with college and work expectations...
  3. Inclusive of rigorous content and applications of knowledge through higher-order skills...
  4. Internationally benchmarked, so that all students are prepared for succeeding in our global economy...
  5. Research and evidence-based.[27]
This global agenda is far more intrusive, demanding and dangerous to Christian families than most of us can imagine. So ponder this important warning from Phyllis Schlafly:

"UNESCO's efforts in the 1960s and 1970s to influence U.S. school curriculum were unsuccessful. But now UNESCO has found a sugar daddy. On November 17, 2004 at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris, UNESCO signed a 26-page 'Cooperation Agreement' with Microsoft Corporation to develop a 'master curriculum (Syllabus)' for teacher training in information technologies based on standards, guidelines, benchmarks, and assessment techniques. The Agreement states that... 'UNESCO will explore how to facilitate content development.'

"Following the signing of the Agreement, UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura explained it in a speech. One of its goals, he said, is 'fostering web-based communities of practice including content development and worldwide curricula reflecting UNESCO values.' No doubt that is agreeable to Bill Gates because the Agreement states that 'Microsoft supports the objectives of UNESCO as stipulated in UNESCO's Constitution."[28]
Before long, Bill Gates and his UNESCO partners had prepared the following "core standards." Notice that they are far more honest and threatening than the previous propaganda.
  • Environmental education will be incorporated in formal education.
  • Any value or attitude held by anyone globally that stands independent to that of the United Nations’ definition of “sustainable education” must change. Current attitudes are unacceptable.
  • Education will be belief-and-spirituality based as defined by the global collective.
  • Environmental education will be integrated into every subject, not just science..."[29]
Today's emphasis on "saving the earth" will surely involve mental manipulation and moral degradation. The suggested earth-centered spirituality in the third point would fit well in a culture of promiscuity, propaganda and paganism. And the spreading seductions of the occult will speed the rising hostility toward Biblical truth and values. The second and fourth points speak for themselves. Everything must change! "Current attitudes are unacceptable."
This transformational process is well under way. Ponder the moral values taught through the new "Common Core 'Exemplars'" listed here: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_B.pdf. Notice on page 108 that this list of chosen "Text Exemplars" includes a sexually explicit novel by Julia Alvarez for ninth and tenth graders. Dr. Mary Grabar gives us a glimpse of its corrupting context:
"I must admit that I would have been too embarrassed to teach Julia Alvarez’s sexually explicit novel, In the Time of the Butterflies, to the college students I have taught for over twenty years, much less to ninth- and tenth-graders, as many Georgia high school teachers have been instructed to do.

"Some high school teachers also have a problem with its overtly feminist and leftist-leaning ideology. The men are portrayed as weak drunkards, continually cheating on their wives....

"The novel is taken straight from Common Core’s “Text Exemplars” for ninth and tenth graders. Although the “exemplars” are officially intended to be suggested readings, educrats take the suggestions literally. They know that they have to prepare students for the national tests being rolled out in 2014-2015.
"For example, there is a drunken New Year’s celebration of 'the triumphant announcement. Batista had fled! Fidel, his brother Raul, and Ernesto they call Che had entered Havana and liberated the country.' No indication in the novel that Fidel and Raul turned out to be tyrants, or Che a mass murderer. The novel has explicit descriptions of masturbation and intercourse, but I’m too embarrassed to quote those."[30]
If only the students children would be equally embarrassed!  But part of the purpose for corrupt literature is to replace Biblical morality with immoral sexuality and all kinds of other hindrances to Christian values. May God show us how we can best equip our children to stand firm in Christ in the midst of the coming battles.


Envisioning an Interconnected World

"In the global village ... networks will link students around the world to each other and to a vast body of information and human knowledge."[31]
That promise was made in 1994 during a trans-Atlantic conference between Washington and Berlin. Education Secretary Richard Riley and Labor Secretary Robert Reich shared strategies for building the Global Village Schools with their German counterparts. They agreed that educational accord would be vital to their goal of "enforcing social transformation."[31]
Do you wonder what kind of "social transformation" they planned to enforce? Was personal liberty on their agenda? Or did they seek totalitarian government control as in the French Revolution? What goals and values would guide their plans for global education and social transformation? Capitalism? Socialism? Or Communism? Or a new form of totalitarianism?
And where does militant Islam fit into this global power struggle for the collective minds of children?  Its ambitious Sharia-minded leaders are unlikely to compromise! And why would they? Corrupt politicians and liberal media masters are already bending over backward to accommodate Islamic "rights." But Islamic leaders have their own agenda in America as well as in the Middle East, and they will not tolerate our Christian beliefs.
Remember, Aldous Huxley warned us about such planned distractions long ago.
Surrounded by British Fabian Socialists
, he became increasingly troubled about the spread of totalitarianism. In 1958, after the deadly fallout from Communist and Nazi tyranny, he shared his concerns in a sobering 1958 book, Brave New World Revisited:

"In Brave New World [his previous book] non-stop distractions of the most fascinating nature... are deliberately used as instruments of policy, for the purpose of preventing people from paying too much attention to the realities of the social and political situation....

      "In their propaganda, today's dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationalization: the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State.

      "As the art and science of manipulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these techniques with the non-stop distractions..."[32]

Bombard children with mind-changing suggestions

A familiar tale told to first-graders in Pennsylvania illustrates both the tactics and the planned  transformation of the world. We all know the story of the Little Red Hen who wanted some bread to eat. She asked some of her barnyard friends to help make it. But the cat, the dog, and the goat all said "no." Finally she did all the work herself. Yet, when the bread was done and its fragrance spread throughout the farm, her unwilling neighbors were more than willing to help her eat it.

"Won't you share with us?" they begged.
"No," she answered. "Since you didn't help, you don't get anything."
In the context of  traditional values, the moral of the story might be: you get what you work for. But those who have learned to think and see from the new global perspective are led to a different conclusion. Listen to the kinds of questions the first grade teacher asked her class: 

"Why was the Little Red Hen so stingy?  Isn't it only right that everyone gets to eat? Why wouldn't she share what she had with some who had none?"[33]

The concerned mother who heard and reported this story asked, "What kinds of values were the children taught?"  The new interpretation emphasizes love and sharing, but what is missing?  How might it confuse a child's values?  
The answers are obvious. The children were taught socialist values. The new interpretation vilified values that had motivated Americans to be diligent, responsible and fair. The teacher's questions were actually strategic suggestions prompting the group to ridicule traditional values, to see reality and society from the new politically correct perspective, and to intimidate and shame anyone who dared to disagree
A new mental "framework" is vital to the global paradigm shift. But to launch the new system, the old patterns must be blurred, broken and forgotten. The educational establishment knows that children who are fed a daily diet of biblical truth will resist their plans for change. They also know that students bombarded with strategic suggestions will probably reject Christianity. If schools can build the "right" kind of filter in the minds of young children, the new global beliefs will fit right in.


Focus on feelings, not facts

This shift from factual education to mental manipulation and feeling-based learning began more than seventy years ago. Through the decades, the strategies used to manipulate minds in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were developed, first at the Tavistock Clinic near London and later at Germany's Frankfurt School (originally called Frankfurt Institute for Social Research). Their mind-bending methods soon spread to a rising number of psycho-social research centers in America. They were fine-tuned at Columbia, Harvard, Stanford and other American universities, at our regional educational laboratories and at the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies where Elian Gonzales was remediated in preparation for his return to a Communist system. 
At the 1989 Governor's Conference on Education in Kansas, Dr. Shirley McCune, then head of the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory, summarized the policy in her keynote speech:

“The revolution… in curriculum is that we no longer are teaching facts to children…. We no longer see the teaching of facts and information as the primary outcome of education.”[34]

"What will take the place of logic, fact and analysis in the coming age?" This rhetorical question was raised by Dr. Donald A. Cowan, president emeritus of the University of Dallas. His revealing answer exposes an important step toward the new consensus: 
"The central way of thought for this new era will be imagination.... Imagination will be the active, creative agent of culture, transforming brute materials to a higher, more knowable state."[35]

A simple example of this process was exposed by a Christian teacher in Sunnyvale CA. During a public elementary school assembly, the students sang the words of the Peacemakers' Planetary Anthem to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner. This melody, which has symbolized freedom to those who have loved America, now became a tactical trigger used to turn hearts from the old ways to the new vision. 
To shape "world-class students" who see reality through a multicultural filter, social engineers keep testing their latest modification strategies on our children. One tactic is managed group thinking (the dialectic process) which prompts them to reject their old home-taught morality and embrace the collective values of their dialoguing classroom group.
The Left may win the next battle in this spiritual war. The signs of a global revolution are already too close for comfort. We can no longer count on the American Constitution which was based on Biblical principles. More often than not, today's choices are totally contrary to America's founding values and God's wise guidelines.
But our Lord still reigns! In the midst of this spiritual war, He will surely provide His strength, wisdom and His comforting nearness to all who choose to trust and follow Him!

"The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.  I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies." (Psalm 18:2)

1. Julian Huxley, the first head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/globalism/julian-huxley.htm
2. Thomas Sowell, "Indoctrinating the Children," in Forbes, February 1, 1993, p. 65.
3. Dr. Martin Erdmann, "The Spiritualization of Science, Technology and Education in a One-World Society," January 2009, Volume 2, http://www.clinam.org/images/stories/pdf/volume2.1.pdf
4.  Top Ten Scariest People in Education Reform: #5 - Bill Gates, August 2013. http://whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com/2013/03/28/top-ten-scariest-people-in-education-reform-5-bill-gates/
6. John Dewey, "Religion and our Schools." Abstract: "In 1908 . . . Dewey, wrote a paper ‘Religion and our Schools’. In it he argued that religion should not be taught in schools. Yet Dewey had his own radical religious views. These views are now more widely accepted and religious education less confessional." July 6, 2006. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0141620980200202#preview
7. Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D., Chronology of Education with Quotable Quotes, 1994, p. 18.
8. The Humanist Manifesto 1 (1933) was the first public declaration of the views and objectives of humanism. It rejected God and His values but affirmed humanist faith in the power and evolution of man. The Humanist Manifesto II (1973) reaffirmed and amplified this man-centered, relativistic, utopian belief system. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanist_Manifesto_II
9. "Willard Givens presented a report titled "Education for the New America" at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the NEA, held in Washington, D.C. in July 1934. Cited by Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Chronology of Education with Quotable Quotes, p. 20.
10. Joy Elmer Morgan, "The United Peoples of the World," The NEA Journal (December 1942); p.261.
11. "National Education in an International World." Printed by the NEA in 1946.
12. J. Elmer Morgan, "The Teacher and World Government," The NEA Journal (January 1946); p.1.
13. Julian Huxley, first head of UNESCO,  (Washington DC: Public Affairs Press, 1947). See http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/globalism/julian-huxley.htm
14. Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D., The Grab for Power: A Chronology of the NEA (Marlborough NH: Plymouth Rock Foundation, 1993); p. 8.
15. John I. Goodlad & Associates, Curriculum Inquirythe Study of Curriculum Practice (NY: McGraw Hill, 1979), 261.
16.  Humanist Manifesto II, Tenet  #12. http://americanhumanist.org/Humanism/Humanist_Manifesto_II
17. The NEA promotes "A Declaration of Interdependence: Education for a Global Community," September, 1976. Cuddy, Chronology of Education, p. 59.
18. Muller's beliefs and influence are explained in Brave New Schools [by Berit Kjos], Chapter 2: "The International Agenda" at http://www.crossroad.to/Books/BraveNewSchools/2-International.htm
19. The Conference on "Learning for All: Bridging Domestic and International Education" with Barbara Bush (Honorary Chair) and a Russian keynote speaker, Elena Lenskaya, October 30-November 1, 1991.
20. The text of "The United Nations World Pledge" was recited by students at a Brownsville (Texas ) school, TiVo Community Forum Archive 1, http://archive.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78176
21. Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D., Chronology of Education With Quotable Quotes (Highland City, FL: Pro Family Forum, Inc., 1993).p. 100.
22. 'Moscow Declaration" Adopted by G-8: Education Ministers—Secretary Spellings Commits U.S., Eagle Forum, U.S. Dept. of Education, June 2, 2006. http://www.eagleforum.org/educate/2006/june06/moscow.html
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. Nikita Khrushchev, "Dark Predictions of a KGB Defector," 1959 at http://frontpagemag.com/2010/10/19/dark-predictions-of-a-kgb-defector/print/
28. Phyllis Schlafly, "Bill Gates Teams Up With UNESCO," Eagle Forum, November 30, 2005. http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/nov05/05-11-30.html
29. Ibid.
30. Mary Grabar, “Common Core ‘Exemplars’: Literature with Graphic Sex and Praising Castro," Text Exemplars” for 9th and 10th grades, May 7, 2013, http://watchdogwire.com/florida/2013/05/07/common-core-exemplars-graphic-sex-and-praising-castro. See the new "Common Core 'Exemplars'" listed here: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_B.pdf.
31. From a publicity flier announcing the trans-Atlantic conference held April 10-13, 1994.
32. Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (Perennial Library,1958), pps. 36-37. www.crossroad.to/Excerpts/books/transformation/brave-revisited.htm
33. This story was included in the first grade curriculum in New Pittsburgh, PA. The story was also told--using the new paradigm context--at a parents' meeting explaining Character Education. Anita Hoge, formerly a Pennsylvania mother and researcher, reported the story to me.
34. At the time of her 1989 keynote speech, Shirley McCune presided over the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL). The Regional Educational Laboratories are private, non-profit corporations which are funded, in whole or in part, under Title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
35. Spoken at a 1988 forum address at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. This address formed the nucleus for his book, Unbinding Prometheus: Education for the Coming Age.